

today wake up 6.++...
cause my sis today want go collage...
gt class ...
then me gt tuition at time 8 until 10.30...
then dad say go out together...
so wake early...
at tuition felt so tired ...><
but the time walk very fast...
then can back le...
felt so happy ...^^
cause can back sleep jor~
then wait lao gong message...
lao gong sleep so late...pig pig e~XD
today me reply lao gong message so cold...
cause i think is yesterday at lao gong wall...
c his comment leng lui status...
felt so sad lo...
finally also bei lao gong coax back jor lo~
then nth le~^^
afternoon accompany lao gong play game mat...
i know how to play jor~ so now felt the game so good...
"next time will always play together de"
today write finish by here