

three day no update blog le~
now i'm back... haha ...
no update reason is:
monday no time update blog...
tuesday sick already sad...T^T
wednesday gt tuition at night back home late...
so no update blog...
that day lao gong gt gv me one present a ...
the present is big sweet~^^
then get back at my class... my friends all get the big sweet out to play... haha...
n thx my lao gong o~~muackzzz~
that day at night me also gt design one paper gv my lao gong o~
that is one paper only... but me hen yong xin de design the paper...
lao gong say so beautiful o~
felt happy lo~^^
lao gong the paper want to keep it o~ cannot leave the paper o~
now write by today la~
today wake up early a~ cause gt school...
today so late arrive school ...
lao gong wait for me so long time...
erm~today felt nth write o~
ok la~ today write finish by here~