

Morning at 10.++wake up jor...
then go down...
open computer start to ply fb...
then felt so boring~~~
change to c movie at pps...
and wait message...
hubby wake up jor... then sms me...
tell me he wake up already...
at afternoon lao gong say want to play game...
then play together...
i dun know how to play...
then die so many time... ><
then tired i go sleep le...
cause 5 until 8 me got tuition...
today at lao gong fb o...
gt c he comment leng lui status ...
c already that time so sad lo...T^T
but i think all boy is like that ba...
at night me thinking one things ...
things is "work at school holiday"...
thinking i want go to work at salon ma..?
but i so worries is my lao gong lo~
before he gt say want go to work...
but i think he find work is at shopping center ba...
shopping center is so many leng lui de lo~><
so felt... so worries...
i thinking if i dun want go to work...
lao gong will choose same with me dun want go to work ma...?
but i very hope he will choose same with me...
okie~ me recognition scare he leave to me...
i can wei le lao gong... dun want go to work ...
cause me dun wan...t he work at shopping center...
i thinking like that will 自私 ma...?
this question is me...
encounter the most difficult question...
write finish by today