
today is me last day online until finish my PMR

today finish my pre-test 2 jor~
feel happy...^^
today get my khb result...
so bad lo~><
just true 21 questions only a~ sad~~~
why like that~???
now is time to wait another subject result...
n wait my PMR...
so scare~><
n so fast want coming jor~
yesterday with my lao gong borrow tie...
then today wait he come my class find me gv me tie...
he did dent find me...
at school gt ask lao gong... why did dent find me gv me tie...
lao gong say the door back to my class close jor~
then relax u also can find me d ma...
lao gong answer me forget jor~==
gt feel lao gong 不在乎咯~
or me thinking more jor~
today is me last day update blog until finish my PMR
write finish by today


Today so boring at home arh~~~

yesterday is my lao gong Birthday...
no go school cannot accompany lao gong celebrate birthday...
but wed gt gv le lao gong present...
first time gv lao gong d present...
lao gong want keep it o...^^
gt change go gai gai i will bu hui lao gong de celebrate...
yesterday lao gong birthday...
but i make lao gong...
angry n unhappy...
so sry...T^T
yesterday me gt think many things...
快乐 幸福 回忆
lao gong so sry yesterday make you so unhappy...
promise u i will make u happy everyday...
cause ur life gt me...^^
today so boring arh~
did dent go out...
cause sis today at collage gt class...
n my dad n mun gt work today
so take me go po po house...
dont gv one people at home... sad~~~
at po po house study n do rivision...
then so tired go sleep...
wake up le find lao gong... then lao gong accompany me...
lao gong dont forget u today ask me de...
i will do it
u will wait me
promise u



three day no update blog le~
now i'm back... haha ...
no update reason is:
monday no time update blog...
tuesday sick already sad...T^T
wednesday gt tuition at night back home late...
so no update blog...
that day lao gong gt gv me one present a ...
the present is big sweet~^^
then get back at my class... my friends all get the big sweet out to play... haha...
n thx my lao gong o~~muackzzz~
that day at night me also gt design one paper gv my lao gong o~
that is one paper only... but me hen yong xin de design the paper...
lao gong say so beautiful o~
felt happy lo~^^
lao gong the paper want to keep it o~ cannot leave the paper o~
now write by today la~
today wake up early a~ cause gt school...
today so late arrive school ...
lao gong wait for me so long time...
erm~today felt nth write o~
ok la~ today write finish by here~



today wake up 11.30...
mun n dad go climb hill back...
then mun say go jusco...
at home so boring...
so with mun go jusco...
1.++ start go out lu~~~^^
mun not just go jusco only...
mun go carefour first want to but things...
there so boring lo~ ><
then go carefore...
after that... go jusco eat lunch... at old town ...
then also buy things...
then mun n dad say want go 大城堡...
but moon cake... then go lo...
that time at car so boring e...><
but gt lao gong accompany me sms... haha...
then back home go grandmother eat dinner...
today felt tired a~
cause go so many place...
n tmr want start school le...T^T
me gt felt lazy dun want go to school e~ XD
just now... go c lao gong blog o...
lao gong do le one things gv me o...
that things so beautiful... n gt significance...
n lao gong gt write things... then i c already o...
so 感动哦~~~
lao gong promise u i will never leave to you de
promise lao gong u o



today wake up 6.++...
cause my sis today want go collage...
gt class ...
then me gt tuition at time 8 until 10.30...
then dad say go out together...
so wake early...
at tuition felt so tired ...><
but the time walk very fast...
then can back le...
felt so happy ...^^
cause can back sleep jor~
then wait lao gong message...
lao gong sleep so late...pig pig e~XD
today me reply lao gong message so cold...
cause i think is yesterday at lao gong wall...
c his comment leng lui status...
felt so sad lo...
finally also bei lao gong coax back jor lo~
then nth le~^^
afternoon accompany lao gong play game mat...
i know how to play jor~ so now felt the game so good...
"next time will always play together de"
today write finish by here



Morning at 10.++wake up jor...
then go down...
open computer start to ply fb...
then felt so boring~~~
change to c movie at pps...
and wait message...
hubby wake up jor... then sms me...
tell me he wake up already...
at afternoon lao gong say want to play game...
then play together...
i dun know how to play...
then die so many time... ><
then tired i go sleep le...
cause 5 until 8 me got tuition...
today at lao gong fb o...
gt c he comment leng lui status ...
c already that time so sad lo...T^T
but i think all boy is like that ba...
at night me thinking one things ...
things is "work at school holiday"...
thinking i want go to work at salon ma..?
but i so worries is my lao gong lo~
before he gt say want go to work...
but i think he find work is at shopping center ba...
shopping center is so many leng lui de lo~><
so felt... so worries...
i thinking if i dun want go to work...
lao gong will choose same with me dun want go to work ma...?
but i very hope he will choose same with me...
okie~ me recognition scare he leave to me...
i can wei le lao gong... dun want go to work ...
cause me dun wan...t he work at shopping center...
i thinking like that will 自私 ma...?
this question is me...
encounter the most difficult question...
write finish by today